23 November 2009

Bajan surfer: Andre Simmons

    Barbados Surf

Andre is a 25 year surfer from Barbados looking to get involved in black surfing. He  use to surf min twice a week for years and now he surfs when he can. He is a teacher, and  worked for a summer as a surf instructor in San Diego. Now he is in the 415 area code.

Email Andre: anostra2002@yahoo.com

19 November 2009

Buttons is a Brother!

Online surf magazine Liquid Salt recently did an interview with iconic Hawaiian surfer Buttons Kaluhiokalani. As a kid, I was always mystified by his 'fro. I didn't know Hawaiians had afros. I didn't think anyone other than black folks had afros. (I've since figured out that you find afros on people of every shape, size and color.)

Anyway, the interview answered the question I'd been wondering about for decades.

How is it you were able to pull off such rad­i­cal maneu­vers in your career?
I’ll tell you this: I am half-Black and half-Hawaiian. So I guess it was my genetics.

Aha!!! That explains it. Buttons is a brother!! Oh yeah, he's a bad %!@ surfer too!

15 November 2009

11 November 2009

BSA Member: William Lamar

Will is also the owner of Planet Maple Boardshop located at 4657 W. Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA  90016 (323)930-2823.

BSA Member: Rick Blocker